If you live in a graveyard, you can't weep for everyone. [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago] By JooJ - 6/7/2024 12:23
Dwell on the past and you'll lose an eye. Forget the past and you'll lose both eyes. [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago] By JooJ - 6/7/2024 12:22
The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago] By JooJ - 6/7/2024 12:21
Go out there and spread a little sunshine. By JooJ - 6/7/2024 08:36
There are only two mantras, yum and yuck, mine is yum. [Tom Robbins] By JooJ - 5/20/2024 10:03
You can forgive some people without welcoming them back into your life. Apology accepted, access denied. By JooJ - 5/12/2024 22:01
The desire to be loved is the last illusion. Give it up and you will be free. [Margaret Atwood] By JooJ - 5/10/2024 14:01
You're smart too late and old too soon. By JooJ - 4/25/2024 20:31
It is not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment, it is in the happiness of pursuit. [Denis Waitley] By -JooJ - 4/19/2024 21:07
Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them. [George Orwell] By -JooJ - 4/3/2024 09:43