Man matures when he stops believing that politics solves his problems. By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:34
Swimming against the current is not idiotic if the waters are racing toward a waterfall. By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:32
In order not to think of the world which science describes, man gets drunk on technology. By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:31
Rather than humanizing technology, modern man prefers to technify man. [Nicolas Gomez Davila] By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:30
Literature does not die because nobody writes, but when everybody writes. [Nicolas Gomez Davila] By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:30
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. By JooJ2 - 9/27/2024 12:51
More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. [Marcus Tullius Cicero] By JooJ - 9/23/2024 07:48
Stand up and be counted. By JooJ2 - 9/19/2024 08:10
What makes you different makes you best. [Rachel McAdams] By JooJ - 9/9/2024 19:46
The only way out is through. By JooJ2 - 9/7/2024 14:50