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The Fun Wall
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It's all about Fun! Check the Fun Wall regularly to read the funny quotes, funny jokes and fun stuff.

Man matures when he stops believing that politics solves his problems.  By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:34

Swimming against the current is not idiotic if the waters are racing toward a waterfall.  By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:32

In order not to think of the world which science describes, man gets drunk on technology.  By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:31

Rather than humanizing technology, modern man prefers to technify man. [Nicolas Gomez Davila]  By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:30

Literature does not die because nobody writes, but when everybody writes. [Nicolas Gomez Davila]  By JooJ - 9/29/2024 07:30

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.  By JooJ2 - 9/27/2024 12:51

More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. [Marcus Tullius Cicero]  By JooJ - 9/23/2024 07:48

Stand up and be counted.  By JooJ2 - 9/19/2024 08:10

What makes you different makes you best. [Rachel McAdams]  By JooJ - 9/9/2024 19:46

The only way out is through.  By JooJ2 - 9/7/2024 14:50

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